Bret Easton Ellis interview by Brut


video length: 7 mins

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For the publication of his new book “Les Eclats”, the author discussed sex, Twitter, Hollywood, but also diversity. Here’s the interview with Bret Easton Ellis from Brut.

Notably, he has published the books American Psycho, Glamorama, and The Laws of Attraction. After a 13-year absence, he returns with a new work: “Les ANDclats”, a book of autobiography and fiction that immerses the reader in 1981 Los Angeles between youth, drugs, murder and sex. Duplication of sex scenes is one of the author’s signatures. “If you’re writing about a 17-year-old young man, there are bound to be many pages on masturbation. He will think about sex all the time. Like me when I was 17. I don’t use adjectives or descriptions, I just say what’s going on‘ said Bret Easton Ellis.

Another similarity with his earlier work: the social universe in which we are immersed. It’s a privileged world that he himself comes from. His father was “rich but also very violent“: “My books demonstrate in many ways what the rich can do with impunity. That’s why I wrote Less Than Zero and American Psycho‘ the author comments.

“Twitter used to be fun. Now it’s the Museum of Horrors”

Parallel to literature, Bret Easton Ellis also developed in the world of cinema as a director and screenwriter. He is critical of the Hollywood industry, considering that the industry makes bad decisions out of a desire to show diversity at all costs. “It is problematic to select or hire someone because they are not white. It’s a forced variety, it’s not natural. And we feel it’s artificial. Why don’t we just hire the best? Why choose someone based on their skin color? It’s a form of racism“.

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A few years ago, against his will, Bret Easton Ellis became what is known as “trend‘, trending on Twitter after giving an interview to The New Yorker magazine. Her friend noticed the day after the interview that the author was all over Twitter. According to him, this publication meant “bad reputation“. The positive point is that “I sold so many books because of that absolutely lousy interview!” explains the author. Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, it’s almost absent from social networks: “Twitter used to be fun. There have been great things, shocking things, absurd things, crazy things. Now it’s the Museum of Horrors. Who wants to go there? I don’t know, I must be too old‘ concludes Bret Easton Ellis.

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